Cordiario – How to arrange a Tune: “Someday My Prince Will Come” – Chords Arpeggios


In today’s new video we analyze the chords unrelated to the key of the song “Someday My Prince Will Come”. Not all the chords present in a piece necessarily originate from the scale of the tonality in which the tune is written; it is often possible, through harmonic substitutions, to use extraneous chords to create a “surprise effect”.


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In today’s new video we analyze the chords unrelated to the key of the song “Someday My Prince Will Come”.

Not all the chords present in a piece necessarily originate from the scale of the tonality in which the tune is written; it is often possible, through harmonic substitutions, to use extraneous chords to create a “surprise effect”.

This is the case of these chords that we will visualize along the keyboard by playing its arpeggios; we’ll see the notes of these chords unfolding them in a melodic sense.

With this new passage, we will be able to know both the diatonic chords of the piece and those unrelated to the tonality: we will be able, in the next appointments, to start composing the material seen so far.


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