
Acoustic Fingerstyle Guitar Course

In this section you will find some suggestion on the didactics. I will present on each one the program, the aims and the structure of the course.
You can choose the best program for you and conctact me for more info or requests. Enjoy your study and have a good music!


Didactic path Scuolacustica - Fingerpicking.net

Scuolacustica is a project conceived from fingerpicking.net, one of the most relevant activities in Italy about the acoustic guitar. The program, splitted in 4 levels has been planned from the guitarist Daniele Bazzani, who starts from the bottom of the fingerstyle in order to drive the guitarist to a conscious knowledge of the instrument.

The course starts from the bottom of the fingericking and is adressed to beginners who want to deepen the acoustig guitar. The main techniques are going to be explained together with different versions of the fingerstyle in its many shades (traditonal fingerpicking, alternate bass, walking bass, fingerstyle blues, open tunings, repertoire).

At the end of each level you will have the possibility to pass an exam with expert guitarists and also play during the recital during the national festival of the acoustic guitar.

LEVEL 1: “SCUOLACUSTICA” vol.1, Ed. Fingerspicking.net

LEVEL 2: “SCUOLACUSTICA” vol.2, Ed. Fingerspicking.net

LEVEL 3: SCUOLACUSTICA” vol.3, Ed. Fingerspicking.net

LEVEL 4: SCUOLACUSTICA” vol.4, Ed. Fingerspicking.net

The books are available online at fingerpicking.net

The course takes place at Officine Espressiva in Padua. More info are available on officinespressive.it, you can also write me on the form here below.

    CentroStudi Fingerstyle

    CentroStudiFingesrtyle in Arezzo, founded and directed by the guitarist Davide Mastrangelo, is a school fully organised for the study and improvement of the acoustic fingerstyle guitar. The suggested course wants to deepen and improve the technique with particular focus on the tradition and on the creativity (composition, arrangement and improvisation).

    This course is conceived for the student who wants to improve the techniques and to deepen the abilities on the acoustic guitar; especially it’s aimed to a focused study of the improvisation with the acoustic guitar and to the conscius awareness of this instrument.

    Main objectives:

    • Melodic awareness;
    • Polyphonic improvisation;
    • Knowledge of the traditional repertoire: blues, standard jazz, ragtime, etc;
    • Knowledge of the main executive techniques (alternate bass, walking bass, slide, etc…);
    • How to arrange a song with the acoustic guitar;
    • How to get closer to the world of composition.

    The program is structured in 4 levels, it’s an improvement and specialization course of the fingerstyle technique for the acoustic guitar.

    It’s specially focused on the knowledge of the repertoire of the tradition (blues, regtime, gospel, jazz). The main objectives of the course are the knowledge of the songs that made the history of the acoustic guitar with special focus on the polyphonic improvisation (blues and jazz) and the creativity (arrangement and composition).

    At the end of each level you will have the chance to pass an exam with Davide Mastrangelo and obtain the certification of the level of study and the degree.

    For further details: www.centrostudifingerstyle.com/corsi/.

    The course take place at my studio or at the Accademia FIlarmonica in Camposampiero together with Spazioacustico.
    You will find more info on the website of the Accedemia Filarmonica and on Spazioacustico, you can also write me on the form here below.

      Individual courses

      Weekly or bimonthly private classes allow you to customize your study following your needs. Starting from a clear program we will be able to plan you aims and desires accordingly to your availability and priorities.

      Private classes are conceived to deepen the study of the acoustic guitar both on the fingerstyle technique and pickin and hybrid. If you wish, it’s possible to combine the practice with a detailed study of the harmonic studies of the modern music and of the theory of the music.

      Private classes allow you to personalize the program accordingly to the specific aims of the student. The courses are conceived for beginners and for advanced as well.


      The first level of the course is conceived for beginners.

      Main objectives::

      • Knowing the instument (parts, models, posture);
      • Introduction to reading the stave and the tablature;
      • Studing the rhythm: you will learn how to recognize the pace and how to play in different timing;
      • Melodic learning of songs with different structures;
      • Introduction to the basic chords;
      • Detailed study of the most common recurring accompaniment rhythmics;
      • Study and application of the harmonic and rhythmic knowledge based on a repertoir of modern music (pop, rock and blues);
      • Introduction to the basic concepts of the harmony ( development of the chord, tones);
      • Basic introduction to the fingerstyle (playing arpeggios right hand);
      • Basic fingerstyle introduction repertoire.


      The course analyses in detail the fingerstyle technique, accordingly to the level of the student, from the basic through the infermediate to the advanced one. this course has to be considered both “general introduction” to the fingerstyle guitar and monographic or rather aimed to deepen specific executive techniques (alternate bass, percussion) or music genres (fingerstyle, blues and jazz).

      Main objective:

      • Main set-up (posture, training of the left and right hand):
      • Learning the main executive techniques (walking bass, alternate bass, Travis picking, armonics, tapping, slide, bending, hammer on, pulll off, etc.);
      • Introduction to the fingerstyle repertoire;
      • Theorical followup: introduction to main concepts of the modern harmony, from the basics (tones, chords, harmonisation) to the complicated ones (diatonic substitutions, chromatic, harmonic analysis of the songs, study of blues-jazz structure and their variations);
      • Introduction to the polyphonic improvisation (more voice imrpovisation);
      • Detailed study of the “historical” repertoire of the acoustic guitar;
      • Arrangement techniques of the acoustic guitar;
      • Composition with acoustic guitar;
      • Blues improvisation (from Delta blues to swing, country-blues, Boogie woogie, etc.);
      • Contemporary fingerstyle techniques (percussive style, tapping, harmonics, etc.).

      Private classes take place at my studio, we can agree together the frequency and time accordingly to student’s needs. Don’t hesitate to contact me for further questions.

        Lezioni Skype

        Se sei interessato alle lezioni individuali ma per motivi di distanza o anche solo di tempo non ti è possibile raggiungermi nel mio studio, è possibile impostare un percorso di lezioni “a distanza” via Skype. Il programma è personalizzabile e adattato ai tempi che hai a disposizione.

        Il programma delle lezioni skype è il medesimo delle lezioni individuali; il percorso è personalizzabile a seconda delle esigenze e degli obiettivi di ciascun allievo.

        Per le lezioni via skype è sufficiente avere a disposizione un computer, una buona connesione stabile e una webcam. Stabiliremo assieme un orario della lezione, a cadenza regolare, e la lezione verrà effettuate normalmente come una classica “lezione frontale”. Lo studente avrà a disposizione il mio indirizzo email per contattarmi durante la settimana ed eventuale supporto video aggiuntivo (inviato via email) per rivedere i brani in fase di studio, qualora ne avesse bisogno.